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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Tacos Today Hooray! Buffet?

Hola senores y senoritas. Please don't mind the title I just decided to make it rhyme, but we still are going to talk about tacos. This post just goes to show that we embrace foods from all corners of the earth, and it also goes to show that I love Mexicans and their food especially. I would venture to say that tacos are one of the most popular foods out there, here's why:

If that doesn't look good to you than you should probably see some sort of doctor so they can fix your taste buds. I would put tacos somewhere in my top 50 foods probably; the mix of flavors is simply and sumptuously sublime. Tacos are one of the foods that is accepted around the world very dearly, here is an example of an Asian guy eating a taco:

This guy is clearly a massive fan of tacos, by taking his mask off to eat the taco he is showing his willingness to die for the cause of tacos. However, an even bigger deal as of 9:46 AM on 10/26/11 is the St. Louis Cardinals, even though they're losing, I still have full faith that the Cardinals will win it all.

Monday, October 17, 2011


I'll start you guys off with a picture:

You guys may be wondering about the importance of pictures while reading about food, it's the same reason that people stretch before they exercise; you have to get the blood or in this case the taste bud juices flowing. Anyway, Bar-b-que is wonderful, through the use of this process you can create flavors that explode with deliciousness (I know that sentence sounds like it should be in a Brian Wilson Taco Bell commercial). I would imagine that y'all have been in the situation where you're hungry and you smell someone barbecuing something, and you want to go over there and steal it. That just gives you an idea of how good this stuff is. Speaking of thieves, probably my favorite ever:
Don't be scared though, guys, just say swiper no swiping three times and you should be good. In conclusion I would say, eat barbecue and watch out for those sneaky foxes. (Looking back on it, I probably could've put another picture of Troy Polamalu in here with all of his interceptions) Why not?

Friday, October 7, 2011

Baguettes and Cheese

I was brainstorming for a topic, and then I realized, I haven't written about baguettes and cheese yet, so here we go. Baguettes and cheese is, in my humble, fact speaking mind, the best food. Just for the appetizer of this post I'll give you some wikipedia pages, read them if you wish.

I would say that baguettes and cheese is probably the official food of heaven, I'm not just saying that, just eat it and you will know. Personally I like my cheese on the runnier end, but if it smells right (see post #1), I'm game. Baguettes and cheese go together like black and yellow, lets take a look at the steelers, bewitchingly beautiful (Not Anne Hutchinsony), just like baguettes:
Troy Polamalu is my hero, just like baguettes and cheese, it seems pretty clear that both of these things are great. Baguettes and cheese can vary within their own species. For cheese you can have runny, hard, smooth, chunky, stinky, strong, and mild. For baguettes, they can be long, short, hard soft, french, sourdough, hard, skinny, fat, smooth, rough.

Anyways, eat baguettes and cheese, and you will be happy.