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Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Hey guyz and galz. This may be kind of disgusting, but it's good for your character. I was searching for the weirdest foods and I came across this:


"balut is a fertilized duck embryo that is boiled alive and eaten in the shell." --Wikipedia

I'm not going to post pictures on here, but they're on the wikipedia page, apparently people in the Philippines like to eat this... Rather I will post a picture of a delicious food:

I'm not sure what this is, but it looks delicious. For all of you that don't like seafood, that's a shame. Anyways....... bye...

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Pizza = Money in the Bank?

I was strolling around Yahoo for something to write about. There were a couple of interesting stories, but nothing to the level of this blog. Then I came across this...


Apparently pizza not only leads to massive amounts of dough (chuckle snort pun), but it also saves the lives of elderly people. I feel like I might go buy some lottery tickets and pizza right now, not really, lottery tickets are a waste of money, kids, seriousy, no tickets, should be bought, by my bloggies. Since I know that people only really look at the pictures, here's a piCc...

Don't you wanna eat it? delicious. I feel like pictures just add a whole new deep, sublime, dimension. Look at the cheese roll like a fat man, and the peepers sit there waiting to attack the buds with delish, and also take notice of the meat getting ready to fill the tum-tum. Wonderful, masterful, insufferably delicious.


Friday, February 3, 2012


Hola senoritas y senoras y fromage y chocolate y hombros y rodillas y calsetines y BAGUETTES... Seriously though, I'm thinking about fire, so I'll talk about the intense process of flambé (Note: apparently I can't do accents in the title, soooo, I did a capital E instead). Here is a video of the art.


I'm thinking this is the process Dwight Howard uses when he dunks, maybe? However, this does make some tasty food... For sure. The reason I was thinking about fire is because I was watching How it's Made, matches are pretty interesting apparently. Cool Beans, as in coffee beans, bye.